Lake Zones

The Baldwin Lake Association consists of 10 zones, with an advisor for each zone. The advisor is responsible for keeping up to date on all activities within the lake association, by attending our general meetings, reading the meeting minutes, and group emails. Advisors also keep in touch with the residents from their zone to advocate for their ideas or concerns. It is up to each advisor to keep an updated listing of their resident’s names and addresses. As new folks move to the lake, an advisor will greet them with a BLA welcome packet.
1: Carson Walter rishuff@frontier.com 574-849-9417
2: Laurie Macri llmacri@aol.com 574-536-4689
3: Mike Caddigan mcaddigan134@gmail.com 708-305-9932
4.Barb DeCocq jrdecocq@yahoo.com 269-641-240
5. Mike Schroitt mikeschroitt@gmail.com 847-204-0627
6.Mary Hansen mhhdrn@gmail.com 574-315-8093
7.Suzie Vosmik mailboxfull@aol.com 847-533-9923
8.Julie Alexander Kershner jakerschner0308@gmail.com 574-612-1939
9.Jenna Labash jjung3773@gmail.com 312-524-8892
10.Claire DeLano clairedelano@gmail.com 574-536-5585